»Food and Drink»These 3 Easy Food Swaps Can Help You Achieve a Healthier Diet

These 3 Easy Food Swaps Can Help You Achieve a Healthier Diet

Posted by : on Feb 22,2018 12:37 AM
These 3 Easy Food Swaps Can Help You Achieve a Healthier Diet

Millions of Americans face serious issues with obesity and the health consequences that stem from carrying excess weight. Even if you are already at a healthy weight for your height, you can benefit greatly from making wise food choices. The information below covers just three simple food swaps that could help you lose excess pounds and gain a greater degree of control over your health and well-being.

3 Easy Food Swaps for a Healthier Diet

Many of us get caught in a rut when it comes to the foods we choose to consume on a regular basis. We may end up choosing specific items simply for convenience or because it's what we are accustomed to eating. Making a few simple swaps can cut extra calories from your diet that could make weight control easier. More importantly, however, these swaps add a nutritional boost to your daily diet that can improve your overall health.

1. Trade White Flour for Whole Wheat

Baked goods are a staple for many people. Bread and other flour-based products provide satiety and satisfaction. They're called comfort foods for a reason, after all. However, traditional white flour is stripped of its naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, making it high in calories but low in nutritional value. Simply switching to baked goods made with whole wheat flour can increase your overall fiber intake and provide you with an abundance of numerous minerals. [1]

2. Trade Vegetable Oil for Healthier Fats

Many people are accustomed to using vegetable-based oils for everyday cooking tasks. Modern research has shown that natural fats are a far healthier choice. Unrefined or refined coconut oil or avocado can be a far healthier choice when recipes call for oil or fat. Since these items come from a healthy whole food source, they retain many of their naturally existing vitamins and minerals. [2]

3. Trade Iceberg Lettuce for Darker Greens

Iceberg lettuce has been the go-to green for many American households for generations. Whether you're adding it to your burger or making a salad, it turns out that iceberg lettuce is not the most nutrient-dense choice. Consider trading your iceberg lettuce for kale, arugula, bok choy, or spinach. All of these dark leafy greens pack a powerful punch when it comes to disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. [3]

Benefits of Making Healthier Food Choices

What are the benefits associated with making better food choices? Depending on your personal situation and current level of health, you could experience any of the following rewards for making a few simple adaptations to your diet.

1. Weight Control

Reducing the caloric density of your diet can make it easier for excess pounds to come off. Additionally, adding foods to your diet that are rich in fiber can help you feel satisfied so that you don't overeat.

2. Reduction in Risk of Serious Illness

Heart disease, diabetes, and similar types of ailments cannot always be avoided. However, making wise choices with food can go a long way toward reducing the risk of some of these common ailments.

3. Increased Energy

The right food choices can give you a greater degree of energy. This, in turn, can actually attribute to better weight control by giving you the energy necessary to begin a basic workout routine.

4. Better Physical Appearance

Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals also benefit the hair, skin, and nails. As a result, you may experience physical improvements that boost your overall self-esteem.

Making healthier food choices isn't always easy to do. If you're like most people, you've become accustomed to eating in a certain way and probably don't give your food choices a lot of thought. However, the connection to our dietary choices and our overall health is very strong. Making seemingly small changes can go a long way toward improving our health, lowering our weight, and warding off the serious ailments that affect millions of Americans on an annual basis. You may find it's easier than you ever thought possible to experience a greater degree of wellness by making healthier dietary choices.


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